No minimum stay, No Management Fee & No Penalty Fee

Access to our Fund Management free of hidden & fixed fee´s from typical managers, based on profit share system, only pay a percentage on the profits.

a macbook air laptop in the dark

We Only Win If You win System

Our management Fees are based only on profit share system, if you are in profits, brokerage system process automatically the fees payment (35% Profit share) to XETRACAPITAL at the end of the month or quarter, depening on your investment focus.

1.57% Avg Monthly Verified Return

Fund Management

First open your account at the external Broker, then access the fund and assign the desired capital from $2000 and with no minimum stay.

Copy Trading
Account Management

Earn higher Interest on your portfolio with Premium Managed Accounts.

Managed accounts offer more flexibility to investors needings, adjusting investment period, return expectation and risk management.

PAMM Hegde Fund

Unlock Stable Returns with PAMM Technology.

Join our PAMM Investment Fund with 1.75% Avg Monthly Gain on a 14 Month consecutive gain with low risk profile.

Access to the most popular fund management technology with minimum investment.

Join our GBPUSD Algorithmic Trading Strategy with adjusted Avg Monthly Gain to your needings.